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Do you need to answer police questions?

On Behalf of | Oct 3, 2024 | Criminal Defense

Police officers like to ask questions. After all, asking questions is a great way to get information that could help them solve crimes.

Sometimes those questions will be direct – such as “Did you steal the watch from the shop?” Other times they will be less so, such as “Been anywhere nice tonight?” No matter what the question, you may wonder whether or not you need to answer.

There are very few questions you need to answer

If the police ask you your name, you need to answer correctly, but that is about it. Other than that, it’s generally safest to avoid answering anything. Better still is to inform the police that you are exercising your right to remain silent, as that should stop them from continuing their questions.

What’s the issue with answering police questions?

You need to think about why the police are asking you questions. If it is because you rang them to report your little brother missing, then you probably want to give them the information they ask for, such as what your brother looked like, and where you last saw them. But if they stop you in the street, pull your car over or turn up at your front door, you should be more careful. There is a good chance they think you committed a crime, even if you did nothing of the sort.

Let’s take them pulling you over while driving. They might have done it because they suspect you are drunk. By asking if you have been anywhere nice tonight, they hope you will tell them you were at a bar, a party or somewhere that might suggest you had consumed alcohol. 

Dealing with the police can be confusing, and even if you have done nothing wrong, you can soon find yourself in a complicated situation. At times like this, it is important to remember that as well as the right to remain silent, you also have the right to obtain legal guidance.